Announcing an unprecedented collaboration between @PatrickNagelArts and Herndon Fine Art - The Art Collective LLC. This alliance brings you a rare chance to own pristine artwork from one of Karl Bornstein's closest associates, featuring Artist Proofs, Printer's Proofs, and exceptionally rare works from Patrick Nagel, Dennis Mukai, and Robert Hoppe.

The Art Collective LLC

Malcolm Farley, American Realist
(1957 - )

Internationally acclaimed artist Malcolm Farley is renowned for his visions of color and unique ability to capture "the moment, the action, the spirit of the event." In his unique "action painting style", Malcolm blends bold strokes and vibrant colors with the drama of some of the world's most memorable moments.

Malcolm pauses, ponders and shrugs. "Everywhere I look I see these fantastic, bright colors. It has been that way since I was a kid."

Malcolm started painting at the age of eight. Particularly fascinated with the energetic drive and aura of athletes, Malcolm, an "all-everything athlete" himself, grew up painting the world's greatest baseball, tennis, football and hockey stars.

In his formative years, he traveled the world with his family, gaining cultural perspectives while "putting in time" during his junior high years at 9500 feet in Northern India and other global ports. As a scholarship athlete, he learned to combine his athletics talents and passion as a jazz saxophonist with art to obtain his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Metropolitan State College in Denver. After receiving various collegiate awards, Malcolm chose the path of commercial artist, becoming a connoisseur of many styles. It was in this period that he experimented with numerous mediums, arriving at his intoxicating palette and imagery.

His most recent successes include commissions by; The Sopranos, Major League Baseball's 30 Most Memorable Moments, the NFL & Pepsi to release 800 million Superbowl commemorative cans, the U.S. Open, Mikhail Gorbachev, All Star Games and the 2002 Olympics in Sydney.

Malcolm's zest for life and ability to live in the moment is what gives him his passion to paint. "When I am 75, I will be painting every day. I might finally be able to shoot my age." Referring to his golf score, "The older I get, the better chance I have."

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Salt of the Body

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Malcolm Farley

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