
Limited Editions, Originals, and Sculptures from over 100 world renowned contemporary artists.

Whether it is the purchase of a $100 limited edition or a $750,000+ original we can assist you in the acquisition of that prized piece of art.  Established in 1987, we offer fine art sales, consignment, research, evaluation, and frame design services. We are regularly engaged in the sale of works of art on consignment, representing works from the private collections of the artist families, institutions, museums, individuals, and/or corporate collectors. 

3 Reasons to Buy from Me:

1. EVERY piece of art receives my personal verification of condition and authentication.
2. I WILL NOT ship artwork that isn't in a condition I would accept into my own collection.
3. An A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau


***** The PRICES below are set by each Seller based on their Unique Motivation to Sell ***** We have a low commission structure of only 20% above each Sellers asking price or a $250 minimum commission.  This allows us to provide buyers with the best price, sellers a better opportunity to sell and still keep the lights on.  In almost all cases artwork is shipped unframed (UNLESS The ARTWORK IS ON CANVAS or 3-DIMENSIONAL), as I need to personally verify the artworks' authenticity and condition. Artwork that is shipped Framed is shipped framed to protect the work during shipping. Framing is considered USED

NOTE: Inventory is continuously changing so view your favorite artists pages often.  For information on having your inventory added to our Website, contact us at the address below.

limited editions,originals,sculptures,fine art,gallery,animation,agam,yaacov agam,alvar,sunol alvar,altman,harold altman,arvid,thomas arvid,asaro,asaro,john asoma,tadashi asoma,authouart,daniel authouart,avataneo,miquel avataneo, asencio,henry asencio,azoulay,guillaume azoulay,bannister,pati bannister,bateman,robert bateman,barnet,will barnet,behrens,howard behrens,bennett,tony bennett,tom bennett,bob bennett,bertho,philippe bertho,bido,candido bido,biss,earl biss,bolotowsky,ilya bolotowsky,boulanger,graciela rodo boulanger,bragg,charles bragg,brennan,fanny brennan,britto,romero britto,bryan,michael bryan,buckles,jim buckles,bueno,pineda bueno,buffet,guy buffet,bulteau,beatrice bulteau,burns, ron burns,butirskiy,alexi butirskiy,calder,alexander calder,carrington,lenora carrington,cassatt,mary cassatt,chagall,marc chagall,chemiakin,mihail chemiakin,chen,alexander chen,christensen,eric christensen,james christenson,christo,javacheff christo,cohle,audrey cohle,coleman,james coleman,cook,beryl cook,copple,robert,cortez,jenness cortez,crash,john crash matos,curtis,tony curtis,cutrone,ronnie day,danny day,delacroix,michel delacroix,de kooning,williem de kooning,deshazo,william deshazo,diebenkorn,richard diebenkorn,dine,jim dine,disney,doolittle,bev doolittle,doty,neal doty,dr suess,tom dubois,dubois,earle,eyvind earle,eichinger,erte,fairchild,roy fairchild,roy fairchild woodard,farley,malcolm farley,fazzino,charles fazzino,leonor fini,fini,fitzpatrick,jim fitzpatrick,francis,sam francis,frankenthaler,helen frankenthaler,frederick,rod frederick,robert fried,fried,gallo,frank gallo,gerhartz,daniel gerhartz,ginzburg,yankel ginzburg,godard,michael godard,gonsalves,rob gonsalves,gorban,dima gorban,gorman,rc gorman,greenblat,rodney greenblat,grooms,red grooms,hall,michael hall,hallam,kerry hallam,hatfield,don hatfield,haring,keith haring,hart,frederick hart,harvey,g harvey,hefferan,rob hefferan,hessam,hirschfeld,al hirschfeld,hofmann,douglas hofmann,holland,stephen holland,hoppe,robert hoppe,howell,frank howell,indiana,robert indiana,jacobs,scott jacobs,jenkins,paul,jiang,johns,jasper johns,joslin,jerry joslin,judd,donald,katz,alex katz,kaufman,steve kaufman,ellsworth,kelly ellsworth,kelly,john kelly,kent,melanie taylor kent,king,mark king,kinkade,thomas kinkade,kiraly,john kiraly,kondakova,liudmila kondakova,kravjansky,mikulas kravjansky,kudo,muramasa kudo,kush,vladimir kush,larson,judy larson,lassen,christian lassen,lebadang,leal,steve leal,ledan,fanch ledan,leger,fernand leger,lennon,john lennon,li,jaing li,lichtenstein,roy lichtenstein,licsko,frank licsko,liepke,malcolm liepke,ling,zhou ling,livingstone strong,brett livingstone strong,lorusso,joseph lorusso,luhong,lu hong,luongo,aldo luongo,lyman,stephen lyman,mack,bill mack,macdonald,richard macdonald,maija,maimon,isaac maimon,makk,americo makk,eva makk,manoukian,martiros manoukian,markes,jennifer markes,markus,casba markus,mas,felix mas,matisse,henri matisse,max,peter max,mccartney,paul mccartney,mccaw,dan mccaw,mcglothlin,gordon mcglothlin,mcknight,thomas mcknight,mcmichael,don mcmichael,medina,juan medina,merriam,daniel merriam,milton,peter milton,ming,wai,ming,miro,joan miro,morris,robin morris,moti,kaiko moti,motherwell,robert motherwell,mouly,marcel mouly,mukai,dennis mukai,nagel,patrick nagel,nechita,alexandra nechita,neiman,leroy neiman,nelson,robert lyn nelson,nierman,leonardo nierman,nieto,john nieto,noyer,dennis paul noyer,Philippe noyer,otsuka,hisashi otsuka,park,sam park,parkes,michael parkes,patrick,lorna patrick,pena,amando pena,pergola,linnea pergola,tom pergola,phillips,frederick phillips,picasso,pablo picasso,picot,jena claude picot,pierson,markus pierson,pino,daeni pino,pitre,john pitre,plisson,henri plisson,pol,jaline pol,posillico,leo posillico,powell,john powell,pradzynski,thomas pradzynski,quinn,anthony quinn,ramos,mel ramos,rauschenberg,robert rauschenberg,anna,anna razumovskaya,rembrandt,renoir,richardson, jean richardson,ricker,bruce ricker,rios,susan rios,rivers,larry rivers,rizzi,james rizzi,rockwell,norman rockwell,rodin,auguste rodin,rosamond,christine rosamond,rosenquist,james rosenquist,ross,colleen ross,rothe,gh rothe,royo,ruscha,edward ruscha,rush,rick rush,rut,tomasz rut,sassone,marco sassone,sayour,leslie sayour,schaar,robert schaar,scharf,kenny scharf,scholder,fritz scholder,schultz,charles schultz,scoppettone,james scoppettone,wooster scott,jane wooster scott,seerey-lester,john seerey-lester,seymour,jane seymour,shao,lillian shao,shue,wong shue,shortridge,stephen shortridge,shvaiko,viktor shvaiko,sierek,tom sierek,simbari,nicola simbari,skelton,red skelton,smith,daniel smith,daniel m. smith,snowden,m.l. snowden,ml snowden,soderberg,john soderberg,solomon,stan solomon,spain,mark spain,starr,ringo starr,stella,frank stella,stevens,kelly stevens,stiltz,tomas stiltz,stobart,john stobart,sultan,donald sultan,suljakov,vadik suljakov,takara,seikichi takara,talmadge,james talmadge,tamayo,rufino tamayo,tarkay,itzchak tarkay,tay,eng tay,terbush,dale terbush,terpning,howard terpning,thiebaud,wayne thiebaud,thorpe,mackenzie thorpe,ting,shao kuang ting,title,christian title,tobiasse,theo tobiasse,treby,janet treby,vargas,alberto vargas,vasarely,victor vasarely,vigil,veloy vigil,volegov,vladimir,volkov,alexander volkov,warhol,andy warhol,warner brothers,warner bros,watanabe,webb,doug webb,wegner,paul wegner,wesselmann,tom wesselmann,wilkinson,michael wilkinson,wood,barbara wood,ronnie wood,wunderlich,paul wunderlich,wyeth,jamie wyeth,wyland,charles wysocki,wysocki,yamagata,hiro yamagata,yong, cao yong,young,caroline young,michael young,yvaral,zaccheo,john zaccheo,zjawinska,joanna zjawinska,zuniga,francisco zuniga

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If you are looking for the value of your limited edition artwork -- we have a $50 charge for certificates of value if you provide the title, the number of your piece, and an image of your artwork.  Original one-of-a-kind pieces require a formal appraisal.  Please see our Appraisal Services page.

If you are interested in Selling your artwork please click here for more information

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Salt of the Body

Artist's List



yaacov agam
harold altman
sunol alvar
anna razumovskaya
karel appel
thomas arvid
john asaro
henry asencio
tadashi asoma
miquel avataneo
daniel authouart
guillaume azoulay
pati bannister
will barnet
robert bateman
jay battle
howard behrens
gary benfield
tony bennett
bob and tom bennett
philippe bertho
candido bido
earl biss
rodo boulanger
ilya bolotowsky
charles bragg
carl brenders
fanny brennan
romero britto
michael bryan
jim buckels
pineda bueno
guy buffet
beatrice bulteau
ron burns
alexi butirskiy
alexander calder
leonora carrington
mary cassatt
marc chagall
mihail chemiakin
alexander chen
sandro chia
eric christensen
james christensen
javacheff christo
audrey cohle
james coleman
beryl cook
robert copple
jenness cortez
tony curtis
john crash matos
ronnie cutrone
danny day
michael delacroix
williem de kooning
william deshazo
richard diebenkorn
jim dine
disney animation
bev doolittle
neal doty
dr seuss
tom dubois
larry dyke
eyvind earle
thomas easley
roy fairchild
malcolm farley
charles fazzino
leonor fini
jim fitzpatrick
eric franchimon
sam francis
helen frankenthaler
rod frederick
robert fried
frank gallo
daniel gerhartz
yankel ginzburg
michael godard
rob gonsalves
dima gorban
rc gorman
rodney greenblat
red grooms
michael hall
kerry hallam
keith hari
keith haring
frederick hart
g harvey
rob hefferan
hessam abrishami
al hirschfeld
douglas hofmann
stephen holland
robert hoppe
frank howell
louis icart
robert indiana
scott jacobs
paul jenkins
tie-feng jiang
john kelly
jasper johns
jerry joslin
donald judd
alex katz
steve kaufman
kelly stevens
ellsworth kelly
melanie taylor kent
thomas kinkade
mark king
john kiraly
liudmila kondakova
mikulas kravjansky
muramasa kudo
vladimir kush
judy larson
christian lassen
henri de toulouse-lautrec
steve leal
fanch ledan
fernand leger
john lennon
jiang li
roy lichtenstein
frank licsko
malcolm liepke
zhou ling
joseph lorusso
lu hong
aldo luongo
stephen lyman
richard macdonald
bill mack
isaac maimon
americo makk
eva makk
martiros manoukian
jennifer markes
casba markus
felix mas
henri matisse
peter max
paul mccartney
dan mccaw
gordon mcglothlin
thomas mcknight
don mcmichael
juan medina
daniel merriam
peter milton
peter milton
joan miro
burton morris
robin morris
kaiko moti
robert motherwell
marcel mouly
dennis mukai
patrick nagel
alexandra nechita
leroy neiman
robert lyn nelson
leonardo nierman
john nieto
dennis paul noyer
philippe noyer
hisashi otsuka
sam park
michael parkes
lorna patrick
amando pena
linnea pergola
tom pergola
frederick phillips
pable picasso
jean-claude picot
markus pierson
pino daeni
john pitre
henri plisson
jaline pol
leo posillico
john powell
thomas pradzynski
anthony quinn
mel ramos
robert rauschenberg
terry redlin
jean richardson
bruce ricker
bruce ricker
susan rios
larry rivers
james rizzi
auguste rodin
christine rosamond
james rosenquist
colleen ross
gh rothe
edward ruscha
rick rush
tomasz rut
chuck sabatino
marco sassone
leslie sayour
robert schaar
kenny scharf
fritz scholder
charles schultz
james scoppettone
jane wooster scott
john seerey-lester
dr seuss
jane seymour
lillian shao
wong shue
stephen shortridge
viktor shvaiko
thomas sierak
nicole simbari
red skelton
daniel m. smith
m.l. snowden
john soderberg
morten solberg
stan solomon
mark spain
ringo starr
frank stella
thomas stiltz
john stobart
brett livingstone strong
donald sultan
vadik suljakov
seikichi takara
james talmadge
rufino tamayo
itzchak tarkay
eng tay
dale terbush
howard terpning
wayne thiebaud
mackenzie thorpe
shao kuang ting
christian title
theo tobiasse
janet treby
alberto vargas
victor vasarely
voley vigil
vladimir volegov
alexander volkov
andy warhol
warner bros
doug webb
paul wegner
tom wesselmann
michael wilkinson
barbara wood
ronnie wood
paul wunderlich
jamie wyeth
charles wysocki
hiro yamagata
cao yong
caroline young
michael young
john zaccheo
joanna zjawinska
francisco zuniga